type BundleProductModel {
id: String!
addToBundleBasePrice: Boolean
discountRatio: Float
filteredVariantIds: [String!]!
maxQuantity: Float
minQuantity: Float
order: Float!
productId: String!
quantity: Float!
BooleanThe setting that specifies whether the prices of the products to be added to the bundle product will be added to the base price of the bundle. If this setting is selected, the sales prices of the products in the bundle product are included on the bundle price.
FloatThe discount rate that will be applied specifically to the product to be added to the bundle product. If the addToBundleBasePrice setting is selected, the discount is applied.
Selectable variant ids of the product that can be included in the bundle product.
FloatMaximum quantity of product that can be included in the bundle product.
FloatMinimum quantity of product that can be included in the bundle product.
Order of the product that can be included in the bundle product.
Id of the product that can be included in the bundle product.
Quantity of the product that can be included in the bundle product.