Favorite Button
The merchants can add products to their favorites list. This sub-component contains all the logic to add a product to favorites list.
export const FavoriteButton = observer(({ product }: ProductDetailProps) => {
const { t } = useTranslation();
const { isProductFavorite, showLoginModal, pending, toggleFavorite } = useFavorite({
productId: product.id,
const tooltipText = isProductFavorite
? t(`${NS}:detail.favorite.tooltipText.remove`)
: t(`${NS}:detail.favorite.tooltipText.add`);
return (
<S.FavoriteButton disabled={pending} onClick={toggleFavorite}>
<Tooltip noCursor text={tooltipText} placement="left">
{pending && <Loading />}
{!pending && <FavoriteSVG fill={isProductFavorite} />}
We created a custom hook useFavorite to seperate the favorites logic into its own function. In this hook we use the following functions from the Customer Store;
- isProductFavorite to check if the product is already in favorites list.
- addProductToFavorites to add the product to the favorites list.
- removeProductFromFavorites to remove the product to the favorites list.
Since adding a product to favorites is an operation that requires a logged-in customer, we also check the customer store to see if there is a logged-in customer, and show a login modal to let the merchant login quickly if they are not already logged-in.