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My Themes

(Dashboard Navigation Menu > Sales Channels > My Themes)

There are 8 actions users can do on this page:

Add Theme

Users can save a new theme from the theme store by giving it a name.


Every theme approved by ikas, including your themes would be published in Theme Store. Hence, if you want to see your theme(s), please check the store.


Users can preview their themes with a dummy URL to check how it looks on a real website.


Users can customize their themes from our advanced theme editor.


Theme editor is the way of connecting theme developers with our customers. If a store prefers a theme you've created, it would be shown to users in editable form by our theme editor.


Users can copy a theme with the same settings to customize it for different situations.

Edit Translations

Users can edit theme texts according to locale files created by a theme developer.

Edit Name

Users can change their theme name.


Users can publish a theme if it is not already published.


Users can remove a theme if it is not already published.