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SEO and Domain

Users can change domain name for their storefronts and redirect URLs.

(Dashboard Navigation Menu > Sales Channels > SEO and Doamin)

For SEO optimizations, we allow our users to create SEO templates for models that have meta fields. Product, Category, Brand, Blog and Blog Category models have meta title and meta description fields in their instances.


For example, each product has its own meta fields, and each of them can be edited specifically on the Product Page. However, meta templates aim to fill in these fields automatically for each Product. While creating these templates, users can select some of the pre-defined generic fields such as name, brand, barcode and SKU of the product as well as they can add constant texts to templates.

Making Robots.txt file editable is the other way of improving SEO results for storefronts.


Keep in mind that creating the wrong Robots.txt file risks losing the storefront ranking in Google or any other search engine.